

All care is provided at the facility. Residents are allowed to have their own doctors, but there is a Nurse Practitioner who visits residents at the facility.

beautifully prepared meal

Meal Preparation

Meals are lovingly prepared on-site and are tailored to your tastes. Our staff is experienced in providing nutritious delectable cuisine for unique dietary needs. Whether your diet is kosher, adventist, halal, vegan, vegetarian, or pescatarian, we can meet your needs

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man helping another man walk

Physical Disability Support

Physical decline, age –related conditions, and some medical illnesses such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Arthritis are some of the very common reasons that people are not able to care for themselves. Our caregivers are trained to assist residents who have physical limitations.  Caregivers are required to pass a skills assessment test when they are hired, and they are also required to do an annual skills evaluation.

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